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Return to Play Guidelines


CUrrent Phase: Phase 1

To all of our members, 

Total Futbol Academy is proud to announce the

Return-to-Play Guidelines! Our club has received approval from Cal South and LA County to reopen its fields for training.


As we begin to shift into different phases, we will assess the different guidelines for different counties and inform our members of what the Return-to-Play looks like according to your county. 

T.F.A is committed to creating a safe playing environment. Implementing the

TFA-SGV Return-to-Play Guidelines will promote cooperative relationships between coaches, club staff, players, and families alike.

The club will also support decisions to not participate in training sessions for those who are uncomfortable participating for any reason. 
Please see below for the different phases of return. 

This must be done PRIOR to the player being allowed to train. 

  • Before leaving the house, each player should have their temperature taken to ensure it is normal. If, for any reason, it is elevated, please remain at home until it is normal.

  • Use the restroom and wash your hands prior to leaving home. 

  • All water bottles and drinks should be clearly marked and only consumed by the player. Do not share water bottles.

  • Water bottles and bags should be neatly lined up and positioned six feet apart.

  • Parents and siblings will remain in the car during practice and not congregate in or around the field.

  • Ample time will be inserted between each training session to allow the players to enter and leave minimizing contact with other players. Your coach will provide specific directions on time, location, and field location.


If a player or parent feels ill or is symptomatic in any way, please let your coach know and remain at home until you feel 100%. 


Lastly, as mentioned above, we understand these times are incredibly unique, and we know that each family must make the decision for their child as to whether they will return to training. We fully and completely respect your right as a parent and encourage you to speak directly with the coach if you have any questions or concerns. 
Stay strong and healthy, and we look forward to seeing everyone very soon.

Furthermore, on the return to the field, we have new rules that will help keep all our players, coaches, and parents safe. 
The following protocols MUST be observed by all players returning to the field:

Every player returning to training must fill out and have signed all 3 RTP (Return to Practice) waiver.

The waiver must be filled prior to returning to training. The waiver can be found below: 

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