TFA-SGV (PSC) * 2018/2019 Season Tryouts
Date: Starting January 6th, 2018 (And every Monday & Wednesday until further notice.) B2011, B2010, B2009, B2008, B2007 Time: 7:00pm -...
New Girl Teams Being Formed G2006 & G2007
We will host Free Training Session / Tryouts for the month of December & January. Location: Gabrielino High School 1327 S San Gabriel...
TFA-SGV (PSC) Tryouts Dates Announced
Date: Starting November 27th, 2017 (And every Monday until further notice.) B2011, B2010, B2009, B2008, B2007 Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm...
TFA & PSC Partnership Announced
Partnership Announcement (April 16'): TFA & Pasadena S.C. complete formal partnership to form the San Gabriel Valley Region. We are...
P.S.C does amazing work at Labor Day Tournament in San Francisco 2017
Out of 5 P.S.C teams who travel up north to The San Francisco Golden Gate International Tournament. 4 made it to the Championship Game. 3...
B2010 / B2011 New Teams being Formed
We are happy to announce the we will be forming NEW Teams for players born 2010 & 2011. We will be hosting Open Training for all players...
P.S.C B2005 - Strikers Cup 2017 Champions
Congratulations to our B2005 on being crown Champions at the Striker Cup 2017. With 0 goals Againts in the Flight 1 bracket.
P.S.C B2008 Finalist at SoCal Cup 2017
Congrats to our B2008 team & coach Eric on being Finalist at the SoCal Cup 2017 tournament in Oceanside, CA.
PSC B2005 White - Spring League 2017 Champions
Congratulations to our B2005 Team on being crowned Champions of the Spring League 2017